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Discussione: Razze rumene!

  1. #41
    Senior Member

    User Info Menu

    Which are main similarities and/or differences in character-attitudes-capabilities between those breeds ?

  2. #42
    Senior Member

    User Info Menu

    Which are main similarities and/or differences in character-attitudes-capabilities between those breeds ?

  3. #43
    Senior Member

    User Info Menu

    I agree with you that being a guard dog is still a Job-and an important one!
    I was asking about personality because breeds can be different in their attitude towards family members even thoug they belong to the same group: some breeds are said to be more prone to respect only a single leader in a of course plays a very important rule as you said, but still the genethical attitude of a specifical breed has its own inportance
    Those dogs are very intersting and fascinating, and i hope you'll let us know more and more about them all...telling us some of your experiences with them, and a little about their stories, origins etc
    \"le emozioni non hanno simpatia per l\'ordine fisso\"
    Yukio Mishima

  4. #44
    Senior Member

    User Info Menu

    I agree with you that being a guard dog is still a Job-and an important one!
    I was asking about personality because breeds can be different in their attitude towards family members even thoug they belong to the same group: some breeds are said to be more prone to respect only a single leader in a of course plays a very important rule as you said, but still the genethical attitude of a specifical breed has its own inportance
    Those dogs are very intersting and fascinating, and i hope you'll let us know more and more about them all...telling us some of your experiences with them, and a little about their stories, origins etc
    \"le emozioni non hanno simpatia per l\'ordine fisso\"
    Yukio Mishima

  5. #45
    Senior Member

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    Very interesting topic! Hi mioritic, nice to meet you! Thank you for your presence here and for all the informations you give us about this charming breed!!
    jody :-)

  6. #46
    Senior Member

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    Very interesting topic! Hi mioritic, nice to meet you! Thank you for your presence here and for all the informations you give us about this charming breed!!
    jody :-)

  7. #47
    Senior Member

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    One thing. How is introducing a Mioritic puppy in a house with an older dog of different breed?
    Frei lebt, wer sterben kann.

  8. #48
    Senior Member

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    One thing. How is introducing a Mioritic puppy in a house with an older dog of different breed?
    Frei lebt, wer sterben kann.

  9. #49
    Senior Member

    User Info Menu

    eheheh,how much questions we're doing him!!
    mioritic,but you've not answered to mine...however!!!
    I've seen the photos of your dogs and I do indeed you a lot of compliments:what a gorgeous dogs !
    I'd like to ask to you too much question[:I]but I imagine that you won't know anymore to who to answer before..I'm sorry): there where alive,if you live in Rumania(I've not still understood it) you work with your dogs there?is there this culture??By us in the south Italy the things go wrong!I'd want to work with my dogs but I can't'cause ther're no suitable places and competent people therfore I can't get it!
    ok,I known,lets you lose for now...I'll ask you other questions later!!

  10. #50
    Senior Member

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    cri spiegati meglio,in che senso nel sud non puoi lavorare con i tuoi cani?che cani hai?che lavoro vorresti fare?

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