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Discussione: Tibetan Mastiff: foto, disegni e documenti storici

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  1. #1

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    <div align="center" id="quote2"><table class="quote"><tr><td class="quotetd"></td></tr><tr><td class="quotetd2"><span class="quotetext">Tibetan ha scritto:

    mastino senza nome
    luogo fotografia:tibet


    76,76 KB
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    The picture was taken by the German alpinist Heinrich Harrer. The heros of "Seven years in Tibet" (1944-1951).

  2. #2

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    <div align="center" id="quote2"><table class="quote"><tr><td class="quotetd"></td></tr><tr><td class="quotetd2"><span class="quotetext">Messaggio di GianCB

    Dsamee(o D'samee o Dsamu-?-)
    epoca: 1895(n.1893-m-1907)
    proprietario: mr.Brooke
    misure: h60cm, w.50kg
    autore della foto: sconosciuto
    N.B. ritengo che Dsamee e Dsamu siano lo stesso cane.

    113 KB
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    Mr. H.C. Brooke called his dog Dsamu in an article he wrote but it is true that D'samu; D'samee and Dsamee are also found (cf. Henri de Bilandt's book in which the picture illustrating this post is from).
    Dsamu was said to be 24 in. and 100 lbs so 61 cm high and 45 kg. He was imported from the Himalayas.

  3. #3

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    <div align="center" id="quote2"><table class="quote"><tr><td class="quotetd"></td></tr><tr><td class="quotetd2"><span class="quotetext">Messaggio di GianCB

    Dschandu(M) e Dsama(F)
    epoca: fine 1800
    proprietario: conte Bela Szechenyi
    misure: sconosciute
    autore disegno e fotografie:1)L.Beckmann; 2)sconosciuto; 3)sconosciuto
    1) Immagine:

    84,77 KB
    </span></td></tr></table></div align="center" id="quote2">
    Earl Béla Széchenyi was a Hungarian explorer who spent three years in the East from 1877 to 1880 (India, Japan, China, Tibet, Burma...)
    Dschandu and Dsama were brought to his Austrian estate of Zinkendorf after his travel.
    The portrait of them was published in Ludwig Beckmann's "Geschichte und Beschreibung der Rassen des Hundes" (1894-95). The German cynologist wrote the text but also realized the drawing as he was a painter before all.
    His work doesn't necessarily reflects the reality as he clearly magnified the two dogs that were not really impressive according to those who saw them in the flesh. The photos or other engravings of them are closer to their real appearance.

  4. #4

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    <div align="center" id="quote2"><table class="quote"><tr><td class="quotetd"></td></tr><tr><td class="quotetd2"><span class="quotetext">Messaggio di GianCB


    83,46 KB
    Dsama autore sconosciuto

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    The two pictures were taken by the Viennan photographer Rosa Jenik. They can be seen in Richard Strebel's "Die Deutschen Hunde" (1904-05).
    The dogs were said to be as high as a Labrador Retriever (Lesser St. John Dog).

  5. #5

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    <div align="center" id="quote2"><table class="quote"><tr><td class="quotetd"></td></tr><tr><td class="quotetd2"><span class="quotetext">Messaggio di GianCB

    3) Immagine:

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    I believe this photo was taken in 1985-1995 in China. I can be wrong but I think I used to see a coloured edition of the picture.
    Clear evidences demonstrating Dschandu is really the dog in this pic are welcome.

  6. #6

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    <div align="center" id="quote2"><table class="quote"><tr><td class="quotetd"></td></tr><tr><td class="quotetd2"><span class="quotetext">Messaggio di GianCB

    Bothean epoca: 1906
    proprietario: maggiore W.Dougall
    misure: sconosciute
    autore della fotografia: sconosciuto

    6,97 KB
    </span></td></tr></table></div align="center" id="quote2">
    "Bhotean" (correct spelling) was brought from Lhasa by the Major Dougall who was a member of the expedition of Sir Francis Younghusband in Tibet (1903-04). Actually it was more an invasion.
    The picture was taken in India, so before 1906 (certainly in 1904).

  7. #7

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    <div align="center" id="quote2"><table class="quote"><tr><td class="quotetd"></td></tr><tr><td class="quotetd2"><span class="quotetext">Messaggio di GianCB

    proprietario: principe di Galles
    misure: h.80cm
    autore dei disegni:1)Dalziel; 2)R.H.Moore
    1) Immagine:

    28,37 KB
    2) Immagine:

    36,21 KB
    </span></td></tr></table></div align="center" id="quote2">
    Where can I be confirmed that Siring was 80 cm high ?

  8. #8

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    <div align="center" id="quote2"><table class="quote"><tr><td class="quotetd"></td></tr><tr><td class="quotetd2"><span class="quotetext">Messaggio di GianCB

    proprietario: regina Vittoria d'Inghilterra
    misure: sconosciute
    autore della fotografia: sconosciuto

    9,35 KB
    </span></td></tr></table></div align="center" id="quote2">
    Bout (correct spelling) was actually brought in England by Lord Charles Hardinge, the future Viceroy of India, in January 1848.
    The illustration is a part of an oil painting in colours called "Minka and Bout" that was realized by the German artist Friedrich Wilhelm Keyl in 1850. Minka was a Pug.

  9. #9

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    <div align="center" id="quote2"><table class="quote"><tr><td class="quotetd"></td></tr><tr><td class="quotetd2"><span class="quotetext">Messaggio di GianCB

    Divino Leone
    epoca:circa 1750
    proprieterio: imperatore dinastia Quing(Cina)
    misure: sconosciute
    autore del disegno: abate Castiglione

    27,65 KB
    </span></td></tr></table></div align="center" id="quote2">
    According to very recent bits of info provided by the French sinologist Michèle Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens, "Cang Ni" (the imperial Dokhyi's name in Chinese) was painted by the Italian jesuit Giuseppe Castiglione in 1747.
    Note his owner was the Emperor Qianlong (Qing dynasty).

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